Whereas there is undisputed evidence globally that the world is experiencing climate change
as most climate models predict, the use of high resolution in downscaling and predicting
climate parameters for lower administrative units is still a challenge. This study was
conducted in Kamira SIC Luwero district to analyse climate risks and assess the current and
future vulnerabilities for agriculture sector, investigate the effectiveness of the current
adaptation options towards promoting community resilience to climate change, and analyse
the possible future sector specific climate change adaptation interventions at comm unity
The study drew on both primary and secondary data. Climate data was sourced from UNM (\
and the ICPAC website. The survey data was collected using questionnaires distributed to
100 randomly selected livestock and crop fanners in the area. Data management was done
using Ms Excel and data analysis was done using STAT A MP 14 used to generate
descriptive statistics.
The study findings show that the climate trends of Kamira have been varying over the past
years, presently and also in the future projections in rainfall and temperature. The farmers
recognized that temperatures had increased over time and predicted future increases. This
was closely similar to the future climate variations in terms of temperature under the IPCCs
high emissions scenario RCP 8.5. The observed climate impacts on crops included crop
failure, crop yield decline, and incidences of new pests. Declining pastures and water
shortages were identified by livestock farmers. Both crop and livestock farmers practiced
some adaptation measures to cope with the changing climate such as mixed cropping. soil
conservation and change of planting dates. Livestock farmers made water investments and
migration of animals to other areas with favourable conditions. In conclusion. climate
variations have a great influence on earth life.
It was recommended that the government and civil society organizations increase their
efforts in community sensitization on climate change and its impacts to agriculture. The
local adaptation measures must be emphasized and promoted to build a climate resilient
community. The policy makers should not ignore the local people's knowledge and
perceptions on climate change while making community level plans for adaptation action.
Key words: Climate change vulnerability, Adaptation options, rainfall & temperature