Development and evaluation of an improved maize silo to advance food security in Uganda.

Show simple item record Bwambale, Joash Durodola, Oludare Sunday Nabunya, Victo Yildiz, Fatih 2022-06-04T06:19:25Z 2022-06-04T06:19:25Z 2020-10-26
dc.identifier.citation Joash Bwambale, Oludare Sunday Durodola & Victo Nabunya | Fatih Yildiz (Reviewing editor) (2020) Development and evaluation of an improved maize silo to advance food security in Uganda, Cogent Food & Agriculture, 6:1, DOI: 10.1080/23311932.2020.1834666. en_US
dc.description Journal article en_US
dc.description.abstract Maize is a major agricultural resource for smallholder farmers in East Africa, providing both food and income. However, poor post-harvest management leads to about 20% and 30% loss of maize grains, thereby aggravating hunger and poverty. Reducing post-harvest losses in maize is an essential component in any strategy to make more food available without increasing the burden on the natural environment. The current metal silo storage methods do not offer significant protection against insect and mould infestation. In addition, they often experience temperature fluctuations, grain lumping and caking due to moisture condensation at the inside silo wall. This study focuses on developing an improved metal silo to prevent grain damage due to rodents, insects and caking. The research covers all the necessary design considerations, construction and methods of using the silo for maximum results. The improved metal silo is 87% efficient in reducing insect infestation, significantly reduces temperature fluctuations and completely prevents grain caking or lumping. The silo is used indoor and recommended to enclose a candle with the grains for maximum efficiency. The silo is economically affordable and increases farmers’ income through reducing post-harvest losses. Key words: Maize metal silo, double-wall, candle, sawdust en_US
dc.description.sponsorship Busitema University en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Taylor & Francis online. en_US
dc.subject Maize metal silo en_US
dc.subject Double-wall en_US
dc.subject Candle en_US
dc.subject Sawdust en_US
dc.title Development and evaluation of an improved maize silo to advance food security in Uganda. en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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