The need for irrigation and use of Renewable energy sources in Uganda cannot be over emphasized. Due to its tropical location, Uganda is endowed with a wide variety succulent, tropical Fruits. Yet the supply keeps on reducing due to farmers relying rainfall which is seasonal, inadequate and not uniformly distributed.
Information about passion fruit production especially in Uganda, solar energy, drip irrigation and Other methods of irrigation was gathered.
To aid in the design, climatic data- (Rainfall, Temperature, Relative Humidity, Sun Shine and Wind Speeds) collected. Soil and water tests were also carried out to Obtain the suitability of the soils and water for crop growth. A topographic survey using a global positioning satellite machine (GPS) was also carried to attain the nature of landscape of proximity and availability of resources relevant to design of the system.
Different methods and programming software like Microsoft excel software, Matlab programming language, CROPWAT 8.0 and CLIMWAT 2.0 Irrigation software were used to analyse the data and AutoCAD software to generate the design drawings.
Important results of solar powered drip irrigation System with a system capacity of 1 200m3/hr, pump Head of 36m, 3blocks with 3hrs of operation block, 20 laterals PVC 20.8mm in diameter with two emitters for each plant, main line 125m long PVC 31.3mm in diameter and the design storage tank is of capacity 120001itres. Pump specifications, submersible solar pump of (500W, 48 V), solar panels of 125Walts; 12V each four in number connected in series.
Furthermore, the project was costed to assess the feasibility of the farmers adopting the technology.
In conclusion, solar powered drip irrigation in Bumwangu village is very possible given the
readily available water resources neighbouring it and solar energy of 5 peak hours per day. The
Project if implemented is expected to improve on the agricultural, nutritional economic welfare of Bumwangu community by ensuring continuous production and supply of passion fruits, help in research as the government looks forward for modernization of Agriculture using solar powered pumps.